Resources + Recommendations
Sometimes you need a little inspo. We’ve curated our favorite books, articles and resources to enjoy.
Useful Resources
Love our mission, but work at a private company?
Check out our Founder’s other project for values-based companies: The P2Club.
Helpful Articles
Social media isn’t everything
How to set up an effective content calendar for social impact. Looking around, it’s tempting to believe that social media is the most important part of your marketing strategy. It’s everywhere. And it’s not not important–it’s just not everything.
Working With Partners–Why It Matters
Whether you’re a nonprofit combining your forces with another nonprofit, or a corporation partnering with an organization to sponsor a cause, or an entrepreneur partnering with service providers to streamline your business–working with partners is a vital part of growing your company.
Productivity Is Possible: Accomplish more in just an Hour
Does it ever seem like we spend more time thinking about, planning, and figuring out how to be more productive than we spend actually being productive? We’ve got the fix.
Corporate Social Responsibility. What even is CSR?
An increasing movement for corporate responsibility and accountability has developed in the past 20 years. More and more companies are realizing that being ethically and socially conscious is good for business and are implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
What is public participation (and why is it important)?
Organizations that engage in public participation are signaling that the public’s contribution will influence the final decision and that their feedback mattered and shaped the final decision.
7 Ways a Communications Consultant Can Help Your Organization Succeed
Hiring a communications consultant takes the pressure off of you to figure out how best to reach and engage with your audience. Learn more about how consultants can save your team!
Your marketing and communications team aren't diversity experts.
Communications, branding, marketing, and PR are the face of your organization. These functions represent and promote what your organization aspires to be. Know the difference.
Where is the community in your communications?
How often are you hung up on the process vs. the ultimate goal - relating to the community you are working with?
How to feel like you have enough [in your business].
You’re showing your work, you’re getting out there, and you’ve had some success. Maybe you’ve made some sales and gotten some recognition, but you can’t help feeling that you’re still behind.
Slow Innovation: decelerating in a high-speed world.
We stan the slow-marketing movement. Speed has long been seen as a trademark of innovative companies – maybe it’s time for a different approach; see how slow innovation can help you manage in a high-speed world.
12 Toxic Mindsets To Avoid as a Business Owner & How To Fix Them.
All the business tactics in the world can’t help us if our thoughts are sabotaging our actions.
Why Monk Mode Is The Secret To Insane Productivity.
The most productive people structure solitude into their working lives. This is an amazing thing we implemented into our work lives.